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Whether you teach Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Common Core/AERO standards classes—whether you're an administrator looking for curriculum for your whole school or a teacher looking for lessons for one class—we have you covered.

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AP Psychology

AP Psychology for the new 2024 CED

Prepare for the new AP Psychology test with AAQs, EBQs, lessons, and activities for all of the restructured units with our full AP Psychology unit bundle for 2024-2025


Ethical AI Classroom


Explore how connotation and descriptive imagery affects AI images with a prompt engineering for English. Learn what ChatGPT really “knows” for Cognitive Psychology and IB Theory of Knowledge.


media literacy

fake news, Deepfakes, and Social Media

Fake news, AI generated content, Deepfakes, social media… how can someone know the truth? This Media Literacy unit covers bias, primary vs secondary sources, and more in a way that is easy for students to understand.


AP English Language

Master all three essay types

Synthesis essay, rhetorical analysis, argumentative writing: Master all three essays with a full bundle to improve both writing and understanding, along with AP test strategies for MCQs.


AP English Literature

Master all three essay types

Poetry Analylsis, Prose Analysis, Literary Themes: Master all three essay types for the AP Lit test with some of the most frequently cited novels on the test in this course, including MCQ strategies and more.


murder mystery

play-based learning

This fun, play-based learning activity develops skills in writing a thesis, supporting it with evidence, and organizing an essay to develop skills for  critical thinking and persuasive writing 


Teacher professional development

Ethical AI In the Classroom

Receive the benefit of a live-training session from the training’s creator to answer questions and give step-by-step instruction on catching plagiarism in the classroom from ChatGPT, Quillbot,
Google Translate, and more, and learn the errors of AI detection software with:

Prompt Engineering

Linguistic Forensics

AI detector issues

The latest in AI software

contact us for pricing

Student ai plagiarism Analysis

independent ai forensic review

Were you accused of AI Plagiarism or using ChatGPT   by Turnitin or AI detection software? Are you at risk of being expelled or losing scholarships? AI Detectors are not accurate, and you deserve more than an accusation from a number on a screen; you deserve a detailed analysis of your writing by an academic who knows AI and English pedagogy to speak on your behalf before a college review board to ensure a fair hearing.

contact us for pricing
Schools: For a staff-wide, live or virtual, full-session training about Ethical AI in the classroom, contact us for scheduling and pricing.

Students: If are accused of plagiarism from AI detection software, contact us below for a consultation.

Mailing List: Join for a free copy of the AI plagiarism detection professional development course ($130 value)!



  • How to solve the new AP Psychology FRQs: AAQ and EBQ: The AP Psychology test got a whole lot harder thanks to the two new FRQs: AAQ (article analysis question) and EBQ (evidence based question). Do you need some sample questions to practice on? Do you know how to solve these new AP Psych FRQs? Read how to find out how…

  • Why Can’t AI Make a Full Glass of Wine? Using ChatGPT for IB TOK and Psychology: Ask ChatGPT to make a full glass of wine. Can’t do it, right? No matter how many ways you ask, it will fail. ChatGPT also seems to have cultural bias, and creates unexpected images with certain words. How can you use AI Image generators to have students reflect on what ChatGPT actually knows, and how it knows, by exploring cognition, connotation, and cultural bias for International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge and Psychology classes? Read on to find out more…
  • Student Accused of ChatGPT Plagiarism Saved by Independent Review: Annie, a working mother of three, had gone back to college in the hope that it would improve her future. Everything was going well until a professor accused her of using AI like ChatGPT to plagiarize a paper due to a Turnitin score. At risk of being expelled from her university, she reached out to Diogenes Education to save her. After an independent review, she was reinstated to her college and awarded a passing grade. What should you do if you are accused of plagiarism from Turnitin? Read on to find out more…
  • Still Teaching Black History Month: February is Black History Month, but all too often it is treated with an asterisk in education. But the most frequently cited book on the AP Lit exam is a black author (Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man), Kendrick Lamar was recently added to the IB framework for international schools, and Frederick Douglass has never been more pertinent than now with discussions about Social Media and the power of imagery. How can you still teach Black History despite everything going on in education today? Read on to find out more…
  • Teaching Media Literacy in the Age of Disinformation: My students loudly exlaimed the newest “news” from TikTok: “Bob Ross is a serial killer, and his paintings show where he hid the bodies!” A quick search of TikTok or YouTube will reveal thousands of talking heads spreading gossip, rumors, and misinformation (such as the slanderous story about Bob Ross). But we can’t only blame social media when news itself engages in yellow journalism. How can you help prepare students to tell fact from fiction in the age of disinformation? Read on to find out more…
  • Night: Teaching the The Holocaust and Dangers of Fascism: At the start of the year, a ninth-grade boy goose-stepped through my classroom. At the end of the year, he was telling another student not to say a racist joke. How did this change happen? We read Holocaust literature and examined the commonality between fascist regimes. No, I’m not a history teacher. An English classroom is a great place to to teach history with the right stories and multi-media. Read on to find out more…
  • Halloween High School: Halloween is here. Is your clasroom ready? I’m not talking about spooky, scary skeletons, but lessons to fit the season. How can Metallica, H. P. Lovecraft, William Faulkner, Nick Cave, and ekphrastic poetry like “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keats work alongside the likes of Edgar Allan Poe? How can a fun game of Werewolf become a lesson in rhetoric and persuasive writing? Read on to find out more…
  • Back To School: Five Ways to Improve Teacher Lesson Prep time: It’s Back To School Season, and you know what that means: Planning. Lots and lots of planning. Lesson prep and grading are the two most time-consuming parts of a teacher’s job. How can you free up more time in your day so you can focus more on the actual teaching and not bring work home with you? Here are five ways to free up more time. Read on to find out more… 
  • Top 10 Ways to Use AI in the Classroom: Beyond ChatGPT: How can using more AI in the classroom make students use less AI on their homework? How can you use AI as part of the process, rather than the product, of a lesson? How can image creators like Dall-E and Canva, and video makers like InVideo, help your students become better writers and better fact checkers? Read on to find out more…
  • How to Truthfully Teach History Now that Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters Orders Schools to Teach the Bible: There’s no need to fear teaching The Bible as a historical document: Students will learn that the Founding Fathers intended a separation between church and state, had differing religious beliefs (some even avowed atheists in private), how George Washington promised The Jews freedom of religion, and that John Adams assured Muslims they were friends of America. Students can learn this… if Ryan Walters is honest about his goal. Is he? Read on to find out more…
  • Comic Books in the Classroom: Should Your Class Read a Graphic Novel?: “The Boys Went Woke!” detractors post online. How did they miss the glaring symbolism that Homelander, the villain, was supposed to represent Trump? It is because students, despite spending more time looking at images than ever, are not taught media literacy to analyze them properly. Comic Books are often associated with immaturity, not literature. Despite this, the IB curriculum and its focus on image analysis prompts the question: Should your students read a graphic novel? Read on to find out why they should… 
  • Play-Based Learning and Games in the Classroom: The students napped on their desks. They hit each other intermittently. They turned in quizzes completey blank–aside from drool marks where they slept. It was a nightmare class, but two months later they were raising their hands and fighting (figuratively this time) to be called on. How did this nightmare become a dream scenario? I made their lesson into a game. Read on to find out how…
  • AI Detectors are the New Polygraph: AI detectors have shown themselves to give both false positive and false negative results, making them unreliable and invalid as detection mechanisms. At best, they function like a polygraph: a machine that claimed to detect lies and yet is so erroneous that it’s not even allowed in courts as evidence. But is there a better way? Read on to find out…
  • The New 2024 AP Psychology FRQs: AAQ and EBQ Have you heard the news? AP Psychology just received one of the biggest changes to an AP Course ever. Students need to be skilled in experimental design and analysis, including basic statistics. What kind of questions should they be able to answer, and how can you prepare? Read on to find out…
  • Should We Still Teach Five-Paragraph Essays? “Fur Elise” is not a great piece of music. Does that statement shock you? It might, because “Fur Elise” is one of Beethoven’s most popular and recognizable compositions. Beethoven didn’t even bother to publish it—it was discovered in his drawer forty years after his death! So why do we teach it? In case you didn’t read the title of this blog post, this is a metaphor for the five-paragraph essay. Why should you teach the 5-paragraph essay? Read on to find out…


  •  01/03/2024: Kendal Fortson will be presenting at NESA (Near East South Asia Council of Oveseas Schools) for their Learning Futures Summit 2024 in Athens, Greece during “Session 1” at 3:15 on Friday. This is an event for all US State Department sponsored schools in the region. His presentation is entitled John Henry Vs The Machine: Plagiarism Detection and Ethical AI Use. It is based on the findings of his research paper entitled The Effects of Training on Teacher Ability to Assess Papers in the 21st Century: Can We Learn to Detect AI Written Content Like ChatGPT? UPDATE: You can now view the presentation HERESee the full schedule of speakers HERE.


  • 04/31/2023: Diogenes Education made the news for our AI Detection Professional Development for Educators. Check out the story HERE
  • 22/09/2023: New study published (available on Research Gate) showing trainings are effective at increasing teachers abiilty to detect AI. Full paper available HERE.

About Us

Diogenes Education provides educational resources created by a licensed American educator holding an M.S. in Curriculum & Instruction specializing in AI in the classroom with eight years of experience teaching both AP English, AP Psychology, and IB Individuals & Societies.